it’s sparkling water

that supports your immune system


daio wellness combines the sweet, juicy flavor of ripe strawberries with the floral, palate-cleansing notes of elderflowers – finished off with 200% daily value of vitamin c and 50% daily value of zinc to help build and maintain a healthy immune system.  after all, your immune system has supported you for years – why not return the favor?

zero sugar
zero sweeteners


zero artificial

gluten free



$2.99 per bottle | 12 bottles per case
$2.99 per bottle | 12 bottles per case

the good stuff

vitamin c​

an essential nutrient and antioxidant that is critical in supporting your immune system. Specifically, it supports the function of several types of immune cells while also enhancing those cells’ ability to protect against infections – among other benefits. because our bodies don’t produce vitamin c, we put 200% daily value in daio wellness


the second most common mineral in the body and found in almost every cell, zinc is an antioxidant and essential mineral that also is critical to the proper functioning of your immune system. combined with vitamin c, the two work in tandem to help maintain a normal functioning immune system and fight against infections.

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